;;FUNCTION       FolderMod() 
;;ACTION         Determines if any changes were made to a folder structure 
;;AUTHOR         Glenn Barnas 
;;VERSION        1.0  - 2009/04/09 
;;HISTORY        1.0  - 2009/04/09 - Initial Release 
;;SYNTAX         FolderMod(Root, Datestamp [, Options]) 
;;PARAMETERS     Root - REQUIRED - String 
;;               - The path to the root of a folder structure. Returns true if any files  
;;               or folders below this path were modified since the supplied datestamp. 
;;               DateStamp - REQUIRED - Date String 
;;               - the date to compare against. Must be a string in the format 
;;               YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM - seconds are ignored in this comparison. 
;;               Options - OPTIONAL - Integer 
;;               - A cumulative value that controls the operation of FolderMod 
;;               1 - Depth - Scan subfolders when set, otherwise only scan the named folder 
;;               2 - Dirs  - Limit the scan to folder timestamps to improve performance at 
;;               the risk of missing modified files. Suitable for tracking new and deleted 
;;               files. 
;;REMARKS        Returns TRUE if any file object has a modified date newer than the 
;;               timestamp provided. Checking folder modification times can improve 
;;               performance, since creating or deleting a file will update the timestamp 
;;               of the folder it resides in. Note that modifying an existing file will not 
;;               modify a folder timestamp. The function temporarily modifies the date and 
;;               time formats to yyyy/mm/dd HH:mm:ss so that all comparisons are equal 
;;               regardless of international settings. 
;;RETURNS        Int - 1 if a file object has been modified since Datestamp, 0 otherwise. 
;;TESTED WITH    W2K, WXP, W2K3, Vista, W2K8 
;;EXAMPLES       None 
Function FolderMod($_Root, $_DateStamp, OPTIONAL $_Options)
  Dim $_Rv						; return value 
  Dim $_Cmd						; Dir command to run 
  Dim $_Last						; last update time 
  Dim $_Files						; array of file objects 
  Dim $_Sort						; external sort Flag 
  Dim $_oExec						; WSH pointer 
  Dim $_RTime[1]					; current Date/Time format in registry 
  ; retrieve original date/time format strings 
  $_RTime[0] = ReadValue('HKCU\Control Panel\International', 'sShortDate')
  $_RTime[1] = ReadValue('HKCU\Control Panel\International', 'sTimeFormat')
  ; write what we need 
  $_Rv = WriteValue('HKCU\Control Panel\International', 'sShortDate', 'yyyy/MM/dd', 'REG_SZ')
  $_Rv = WriteValue('HKCU\Control Panel\International', 'sTimeFormat', 'HH:mm:ss', 'REG_SZ')
  $_DateStamp = Left($_DateStamp, 16)			; trim seconds if supplied 
  $_Options   = Val($_Options)				; force to numeric value 
  $_Cmd = '%COMSPEC% /c dir "' + $_Root + '" /T:W'	; base command 
  If $_Options & 1
    $_Cmd = $_Cmd + ' /S'				; process subfolders 
  If $_Options & 2
    $_Cmd = $_Cmd + ' /A:D'				; directories only 
  ; "/O-D" significantly improves the final sort performance by sorting results within folders.  
  ; Find restricts results to lines containing a date. 
  ; "Sort /Rev" sorts the data stream from newest to oldest. 
  $_Cmd = $_Cmd + ' /O-D | Find "/" | Sort /Rev'	; sorted result 
  $_oExec = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Exec($_Cmd)	; run the command 
  If VarType($_oExec) = 9
    $_Files = Split($_oExec.StdOut.ReadAll, @CRLF)	; get array 
    ; first record is the newest timestamp 
    $_Last  = Join(Split(Left($_Files[0], 17), '  '), ' ')
    Exit 10
  $FolderMod = 0					; default return value 
  If $_Last > $_DateStamp
    $FolderMod = 1					; IsModified return value 
  ; restore the original format settings 
  $_Rv = WriteValue('HKCU\Control Panel\International', 'sShortDate', $_RTime[0], 'REG_SZ')
  $_Rv = WriteValue('HKCU\Control Panel\International', 'sTimeFormat', $_RTime[1], 'REG_SZ')
  Exit 0