;;FUNCTION       EnumIni() 
;;ACTION         Enumerates sections or keys of an INI file 
;;AUTHOR         Glenn Barnas  
;;VERSION        2.0 - 2004/10/16 
;;HISTORY        1.0 - 2003/11/17 - Initial Release 
;;               2.0 - 2004/10/16 -  
;;SYNTAX         EnumIni(File [, Section]) 
;;PARAMETERS     File - REQUIRED, String 
;;               - path/name of INI file to examine 
;;               Section - OPTIONAL - String 
;;               - Section name to parse 
;;REMARKS        Returns an array containing the sections in an INI file, or 
;;               an array of key names in a specified section. Errors are returned 
;;               for non-existant files or INI file reads. If the specified file 
;;               contains no sections, or the specified section contains no keys, 
;;               the UDF exits with error 13 and returns a null array. Thus, a 
;;               For-Each loop will properly perform no iterations if no data 
;;               is returned. 
;;               CAUTION - Error 13 is returned for empty files, or nonexistant 
;;               sections. This is not necessarily a "failure". 
;;RETURNS        Array of sections or keys in a section 
;;TESTED WITH    Kix 4.2+, NT4, W2K, WXP, W2K3 
;;EXAMPLES       $Sections = EnumIni('.\config.ini') 
;;               $Keys = EnumIni('.\config.ini', 'Common') 
Function EnumIni($_fSrcFile, OPTIONAL $_fSectName)
  Dim $_fSectList
  ; die if the file doesn't exist 
  If Exist($_fSrcFile) = 0
    Exit 2
  ; Get the list of sections or keys 
  $_fSectList = ReadProfileString($_fSrcFile, $_fSectName, '')
  ; Return if error occurred 
    Exit @ERROR
  ; If len is >0, return an array of sections 
  ; If len is 0, either no sections or keys exist, or an invalid section name was specified. Return nothing. 
  If Len($_fSectList) > 0
    $EnumIni = Split(Left($_fSectList,len($_fSectList)-1), Chr(10))
    Exit 0
  ; return an error here for value not found (no sections or no keys in section) 
  Exit 13